Jay, indeed I noticed the change and thought... What The... (Heck) Is That All About? Yes, I see you've put together a reasoned argument, but I am not sold! Optimism and perseverance are excellent qualities of character, to be admired and valued. A turd, by definition, is waste. I cannot encourage you to retain this moniker. As an Australian of mostly British heritage, "Squire" conjures images of a country gentleman, refined, loyal and powerful - a lord, possibly a knight in training, or bodyguard to a king. Is that so bad? I understand in the USA, the use of "esquire" has become inextricably linked to lawyers - did you know it's because the historical squires, sent to negotiate a duel, often resolved the dispute instead? With your flair for a sales pitch (we might say "the gift of the gab") I hardly think you even need a moniker, but perhaps: Jay - The Gentleman - Squires. Or an alternative inspired by Monty Python: Jay (Is this the right room for an argument) Squires.