InWrite A CatalystbySonya ShermanTraveling through space and timeRipples and reflections on 11 Sept 2001Sep 11, 20247Sep 11, 20247
Sonya ShermanWhat’s Your Name?Does it have a meaning? Here’s a little bit about my name…Jul 15, 20242Jul 15, 20242
InLife And TechnologybySonya Sherman1 January 2024Making a start with ‘morning pages’ is an exercise in discipline and the power to let go our ideas of perfection.Jan 1, 202417Jan 1, 202417
Sonya ShermanSanta Stories and Whale TalesWhich would you rather be re-telling, for years to come?Sep 17, 20233Sep 17, 20233
Sonya ShermanWhat makes you smile?There’s a lot to be said for sunshine and cats.Oct 4, 20224Oct 4, 20224