Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I found this such a well written, well reasoned, non-alarmist article, which is so refreshing and a pleasure to read these days. I absolutely agree that we have lost the ability to present (and hear) a logical argument and debate important issues. This really is a foundational capability for a functioning democracy. I agree it's so important for any political party to understand why they won or lost an election - to understand what the people want or how they think and feel. It's not just their job to win elections but to represent the interests of their constituents. I think you've highlighted a number of real concerns or perceptions among many US Americans. But I can't agree with your final sentence. Indeed, this is historically how democracies often end - or are crippled for long periods of time. This is demonstrated when an elected leader begins to reorganise the structures of government and the judiciary, to extend their span of control and remove the established checks and balances on their power. Such activities occurred during Mr Trump's first term in office and I think are likely to continue now. You can find examples in ancient and modern history which illustrate how this could play out in the months and years ahead.